“Strikingly beautiful. …excellent sound design… Ms. Milo’s Nannerl is charming and funny… Ms. Milo has a balletic grace, and it’s easy to imagine her slender hands at the keys of a clavichord.”
Read Review“Sitting in a cloud of perfume and dusting powder, in a voluminous
ivory dress topped by a sculptural corset, Milo creates a strikingly
beautiful and multi-sensorial experience that transports the audience
to a world of musical genius and elegance but also social restrictions
and prejudice.
“One of the most remarkable theatrical presentations… Sylvia Milo has brought off a tour de force in creating such an absorbing, intelligent, and sure-footed entertainment on such a subject. …an exalted plane of expression and elegance we associate with the great actresses of the pre- and post-war period… eloquent lighting… sophisticated and well-judged score… sureness of the direction… most brilliant and absorbing.”
Read Review“Sylvia Milo’s luscious depiction . . . eschews the dreaded bio-adaptation problem . . . with class and evocative energy. . . . graceful sophistication. . . . a surprisingly deep and penetrating analysis of the life of Wolfgang’s older sister. …She sometimes resembles the dancing girl in the center of a music box, an impression that’s underscored by Nathan Davis and Phyllis Chen’s tinkling score. “
Read Review“Rather than subsume or subordinate her subject as a domestic relation of Amadeus Mozart, Milo’s theatre piece emancipates Nannerl. She gives the subject of her play the autonomy she never had during her life, and allows her first and foremost to be a musician.”
Read Review“Milo’s performance was spry and witty, turning what could have been simply a revisionist complaint into a penetrating portrait of the Mozart who might have been.”
Read Review“This is a gem of a show… beautifully designed… [Milo’s] face gleams with passion for the story of Nannerl, whom she becomes – clever, witty, frustrated, sometimes hysterical.”
Read Review“Milo has crafted a version of Nannerl’s experiences with heartbreaking compassion for the artist she might have been.”
Read ReviewThe Other Mozart CD: Best of Bandcamp Contemporary Classical
“fantastical world of sound and melody … evocative … whimsical”
“Nannerl Mozart was a child prodigy like her brother Wolfgang Amadeus, but her musical career came to an end when she was 18. A one-woman play puts her back on the stage, where she belongs.”
Read Review“Miss Milo is quite mesmerizing… She is also quite the vixen with a sharp sense of humor… Sylvia Milo is breathtakingly beguiling as Maria Anna.”
Read Review“Beautiful? The word isn’t adequate. Unique? A cliché. Powerful? Immensely. Emotional? Deeply. Funny and fun. Sad and desperate. . . . So much brilliance in one night. . . . only one thing left to say. BRAVO!”
Read Review“Sylvia Milo has created a beautiful play… This is theater at its very best and not to be missed… Samantha Hoefer as Nannerl delivers a tour de force performance, utterly captivating from beginning to end… The show works on every level, all the elements — light, sound, costume — coming together to aid Hoefer in her forceful performance… original compositions by Nathan Davis and Davis’s brilliant sound design emotionally underscoring Hoefer at virtually every point… The gorgeous scenic design — which it turns out is actually costume design (brilliantly designed by Magdalena Dabrowska and Miodrag Guberinic)… the exquisite lighting design of Joshua Rose…. a brilliant, unified piece of theatrical art.”
Read Review“The Gilded Cage: Origami, tulle and metaphor create a dress that is costume, cage and set piece in The Other Mozart”
Read Review“With an emotional precision that captures and rewards attention throughout, Sylvia Milo rescues Nannerl’s genius from the historical shadow of her brother’s … dazzling, original performance … superb sound design…hauntingly beautiful compositions… the dress is worthy of a gallery installation all its own.”
Read Review“…fascinating and irresistibly intelligent… Frenetic tremolo of a harpsichord becomes the fluttering of a fan… It is beautiful.”
Read Review“The Other Mozart is the most dynamic, theatrical, and moving one woman show I have ever seen. …breathtaking 18-foot dress…extraordinarily vivid and emotive soundscape… This show is the height of theatrical achievement. …you simply must see this production.”
Read Review“Beautifully written… As Nannerl, Milo is immensely graceful, thoughtful, focused… The actress makes her character’s experience immediate and visceral… Characterization of Nannerl is immensely appealing. Pace couldn’t be better; we witness thinking… I can’t sufficiently praise the concept and manifestation of the dress… Original Music by Nathan Davis and Phyllis Chen is rich and evocative. Sounds create metallic abrasion, out of sync clockwork, an automaton, a music box.”
Read Review“The Other Mozart is a poignant reminder that, for many centuries, and even millennia, one precondition to the status of genius was being male—and we have lost uncounted works of genius by that arbitrary fact.”
Read Review“The massive amount of research Milo has done for this project is astounding. The facts of this woman’s life are truly fascinating. (…) fiercely talented director, Isaac Byrne (…) one of the most stunning stage pictures I’ve seen in years.”
Read Review“Through Milo’s layered and beautiful performance, brilliant lighting and atmospheric sound design, Nannerl’s tale is told with heartbreaking beauty.”
Read Review“THE OTHER MOZART is a must-see masterpiece. SYLVIA MILO gives an
astonishingly brilliant performance. (…) Costume design and set
design are outstanding (…) THE OTHER MOZART is pure pleasure on
every level.”